The Florida Civil Human Rights Act is intended to prohibit employers from discriminating against individuals based on their color, race, sex, religion, national origin, age, handicap, sex, or marital status. The act protects the individual’s personal dignity and makes their productive capacity fully available to the state of Florida. By disallowing this type of discrimination the Florida Civil Human Rights Act is also intended to discourage domestic strife and unrest while preserving the public health, safety, and general welfare in protecting the individuals of the state.

What Does This Act Mean for Florida Residents?

This means that employers in the state of Florida legally cannot discriminate against potential employees or current employees based on the color of their skin, their gender, or any of the other individual characteristics mentioned above.

Many people think that this act means that employers cannot refuse to hire an applicant based on the factors above. However, the act extends beyond the hiring process. Employers also cannot discharge an individual based on discriminatory reasons. They also cannot refuse a promotion for the same reasons. If an employer is engaged in employment discrimination then they are in direct violation of the law. This can have legal repercussions for the employer if the discriminated party decides to pursue their legal rights in the situation.

Here is the list of factors that would be illegal for an employer to discriminate against an individual based on the Florida Civil Rights Act:

  • National origin
  • Race
  • Skin color
  • Sex
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Handicap
  • Marital status
  • Age

If an individual has been discriminated against by an employer for any of the factors above then they may have grounds for a lawsuit based on the Florida Civil Human Rights Act. This act is meant to protect the residents of Florida against discrimination and a violation of the act means that the person discriminated against can pursue justice in their case.

However, not all cases are cut and dry. Just because you believe you have been discriminated against and can sue for legal remedies does not mean that it’s true. There are multiple federal and state employment laws that come into play in such situations. You should always consult with an attorney that is up to date and familiar with state and federal employment laws.

Consult with an Attorney

Following a consultation, your attorney will be able to determine if you have a valid claim. They will also know which law or laws have been violated in your circumstance and will gather evidence to present your case. A qualified employment discrimination attorney will push for appropriate and fair compensation on your behalf. Here are a few of the damages that you may be able to collect in an employment discrimination case:

  • Attorney’s fees and other legal expenses
  • Benefits and back pay in the case of promotion denial
  • Job placement in the case of applicant discrimination
  • Compensatory damages for expenses incurred while searching for another job, mental anguish and suffering
  • Punitive damages meant to punish the employer for discrimination practices

Each case is unique and should be fully discussed with a qualified employment discrimination lawyer to see if you have a valid case, which laws have been violated, and what damages to pursue.